About us

About Us

Week by week, we bring to God our praise, thanks, questions, passions and concerns. We hold human life in all its beauty and tragedy, its crises and its politics in the light of God’s love which we encounter in Jesus Christ. Turning things over in that light we occasionally find solutions, but more importantly, always find better ways of living with them.

While happily not a gathering of people all with the same opinions, we share consciously and intentionally in some areas of concern.

  • We are an Eco-Congregation having achieved a bronze award, now working towards silver.
  • All Saints is a member of the Inclusive Church Network which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate. We seek to be a church where all are welcome and included, embracing our diverse ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexuality, disability, mental health needs and neuro-diversity.
  • We try to keep alert to matters of peace, justice and the environment around the world. We have agreed a Statement of Values which you can see here.