Parish Safeguarding Team : Safeguarding Co-ordinator : Eira Jones
Contact: 07497781681
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser : Steph Haynes
Contact : 0121 426 0407 / 07342 993 844
Our Safeguarding Co-ordinator at All Saints is Eira Jones . She works with our vicar David Warbrick to provide all the necessary safeguarding support, and ensure advice and guidance relating to children, young people and vulnerable adults at All Saints Church is adhered to. They liaise with the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser and statutory agencies as appropriate.
Ensuring a safe environment means that we pay attention and take specific measures to protect those who are particularly vulnerable such as Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults. We have a Safeguarding and Child Protection policy and a Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults policy. We also have a Domestic Abuse policy.
We also have a range of policies to support the work we do including Data Protection and Confidentiality, Bullying, Recruitment and Selection, IT, Photograph and Filming, Health and Safety. (See
We also have ‘Creating a Safe Environment Guidelines’ for our groups.
We take the safety of everyone very seriously and expect that everyone will work within the church’s safeguarding policies. As a parish church we have due regard for all the procedure and guidance documents produced centrally by the Church of England – see: and and also Birmingham City Council Children’s Services.
Each of the All Saints Companies have their own designated Safeguarding Leads:
The Robin Centre – Paula McGrath 0121 444 8111 (
All Saints Community Projects Mary Miles 0121 443 1842
All Saints Community Development Company Angela McDermott 0121 444 0760
All Saints Youth Project Ian Barber and Vicki Willinger 0121 443 1842 (
All Saints Church David Warbrick 0121 444 0260
All Saints Community Catering Margaret Healey-Pollett
Though particular people bear formal responsibility for Safeguarding, ‘the care and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults involved in Church activities is the responsibility of the whole Church’ (Promoting a Safer Church, 2017).
This is how it works – firstly formally, and then how we expect each person within All Saints to contribute:
David Warbrick (Vicar of All Saints Kings Heath)
David Warbrick holds formal responsibility for safeguarding at All Saints Church.
Eira Jones (Safeguarding Co-ordinator)
Eira Jones is responsible for coordinating safeguarding across the church and the All Saints companies. She is responsible for processing all DBS applications, including verification of documents with administration support. Eira provides support and guidance for the group leaders to ensure all recruitment meets Safer Recruitment Guidelines and training requirements. She ensures that policies are up to date.
She offers advice and support for any safeguarding concerns, issues or disclosures that are made and, if necessary, makes referrals. She receives and keeps all records of safeguarding issues. She reports to the PCC.
Parochial Church Council (PCC)
The PCC have a duty of care for the protection of the vulnerable by ensuring that safeguarding processes and actions are in accordance with the published policies. Safeguarding is an agenda item at every PCC meeting.
Tony Cocks is the PCC’s named safeguarding member.
There also is a safeguarding support group comprised of a member of the ministry team, a churchwarden, a member of the PCC and the Safeguarding Co-ordinator.
Safeguarding Group
This group meets annually and includes the Safeguarding Co-ordinator, the Vicar and those with safeguarding responsibility within the individual All Saints companies. They ensure that polices and guidelines are followed by the church and the All Saints companies. They support each other and share issues and worries.
Group leaders and committee chairs
The group leaders and committee chairs are responsible – with advice and input from the Safeguarding Co-ordinator – that all activities they are leading are undertaken safely and in accordance with the church’s safeguarding policies. They issue the policies and guidelines to all in the group and committee. The group
leaders and committee chairs are responsible for safe recruitment and the completion of volunteer forms and obtaining references.
Everyone delivering activities with children, young people and vulnerable adults
Everyone delivering activities with children, young people and vulnerable adults are responsible for providing information so that the Safeguarding Co-ordinator can obtain a DBS
(Disclosure and Barring) Certificate prior to their taking up their role in line with current DBS guidelines.
They are also required to attend Safeguarding Training ( at least every three years and to maintain a safe setting for their work under the leadership and direction of the leader.
They are responsible for informing their group leader and/or the Safeguarding Co-ordinator of any concerns, issues or disclosures relating to safeguarding
Everyone’s responsibility
We have put robust safeguarding policies with specified responsibilities and procedures in place. Everyone at All Saints has a part to play in keeping one another safe and protecting others from harm and accidents. Firstly, that means that we are mindful of the possible effect on others of our actions, behaviour or words.
What we intend for good or may seem innocuous to us, may be interpreted or received differently by others. Developing a sensitivity to others in this way is a value we want to encourage. Secondly, if we see or hear something that causes us a safeguarding concern, either for ourselves or for others, then we have a responsibility to raise that and to seek clarification, advice or, if necessary, for others to take action.
Here is how you do this and who you should go to if you have any concerns:
Refer directly to the emergency services (999) AND inform and discuss your concerns with the
Safeguarding Co-ordinator (unless subject of the concern), Clergy (unless subject of the concern) or
speak directly to the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser. - CONCERN ABOUT A LEADER OR SOMEONE IN A POSITION OF TRUST
Inform and discuss your concerns with the Safeguarding Co-ordinator (unless subject of the concern),
Clergy (unless subject of the concern) or speak directly to the Diocesan Safeguarding - CONCERN ABOUT SOMEONE IN NEED OR AT RISK OF HARM
Inform and discuss your concerns with the Safeguarding Co-ordinator (unless subject of the concern),
Clergy (unless subject to concern) or speak directly to the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser.
For more information see the Safeguarding policies.
Concerns outside of All Saints
We all have responsibility for safeguarding, whether or not the concern relates to All Saints. If the concern is urgent contact 999 or Children’s Services. If you would like advice feel free to discuss your concern with the Safeguarding Co-ordinator or the vicar. Advice can also be sought from the NSPCC. 0808 800 5000
Do not keep your worries or concerns to yourself and do not try to investigate.
Safeguarding matters are sensitive and need to be dealt with confidentially and all reports are kept in a locked cupboard.
It is important that you do not discuss safeguarding issues with others. Being involved in a safeguarding issue can be upsetting so if you feel you need to, seek appropriate support without breaking confidentiality.
Together we want All Saints church and companies to be inclusive, safe and vibrant where everyone can thrive and that personally and corporately, we live out and make God’s love known in the world around.