David has served All Saints since 2010. Being Vicar of rural Packwood and Hockley Heath from 2000 he learned to love the abiding patience of our Anglican parochial commitment to every neighbourhood. A second curacy at St James Handsworth (1996-2000) taught him that diversity is a thrill, not a threat. Ordained in St Martin’s in the Bull Ring in 1992 and 1993, his curacy there taught him that the church loves but does not own the Gospel.
His parents, a Liverpool artist and an inner-city head teacher, taught him that the world may not be fair, but it is eerily beautiful.
His wife, Jenny, has been a secondary teacher, editor and writer and is a trained prayer guide. Their daughter is a teacher and their son a carpenter. Between them, they try to teach him not to take himself too seriously and, in return, they benefit from his favourite way of procrastinating: cooking.